The one year game develpoment duel
  • May


    Shaders and Starburst Make a Clever Health Bar 0 comments code spritekit shader

    Up until now I’ve had placeholder health bars that do their job as intended, but require a ton of manual work and take up a lot of memory. I’ve always had the goal of making the health bars work programmatically, and I finally got around to doing it. Well, version 1 at least. Have a look at how I’ve used SKShader, SKCropNode, SKShapeNode and CGPath all rendered to one final texture to make my health system work.

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  • May


    Understanding Shaders in SpriteKit 9 comments code shader spritekit

    If you’re new to game development, you’ve probably heard of shaders but don’t quite understand them. If you’re new to SpriteKit, you’ve probably hit a few speed bumps working with shaders. Since I’m still learning more about the two, I figured it would be nice to put up a concrete example that covers cropping and effects using shaders. Specifically, we’ll cover two concepts:

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What's this contest about?

Armed with little to no game development experience, the Brothers Campbell are attempting to make video games for a living. We believe the best way for us to learn is to do what comes naturally to brothers — Compete! The challenge is to see who can make the most successful video game on a budget of $25,000 and in one year’s time. The duel begins on April 7th, 2014 and we'll be documenting the journey.

How will you determine the winner?

It’s simple. The most profitable game wins. We’ll have 6 months to market the game after the one year development deadline on April 7th, 2015.

Learn more about the competition