This post is a status update, which is how I track progress specific to my game.
Check out my timeline to see what I've recently accomplished.
Knights, Ninjas, and Wizards… If that title didn’t get you hooked, then you’re in the wrong place! I added some great sprites to the game in the last two weeks, but a man can only play with sprite sheets so long before he loses his sanity. I didn’t want to lose my sanity, so I also worked on my intro scenes in an attempt to regain control of my mind. I’m really happy with how everything is turning out so far, and you can see what I have so far after a quick word from our sponsors.
Just kidding, no sponsors. Yet.
Before giving you more to read, here are the promised Ninja, Black Knight, Rune Mage, and Mage characters going through their attack, idle, hit, walk and die animations.
I think Dustin Bolton, has really out done himself with these animations, and I’m really fortunate to have found such a talented person to work with.
To date, I’ve received 9 complete characters and that puts me halfway towards my goal of 18 characters. Only 6 of them have made it into the game, and I’ll probably stay with that number while I figure out the game’s mechanics. The 6 characters I have can perform ranged, melee, magical, and heavy melee combat, which is enough to figure out core gameplay. Dustin going to add another layer of polish and some tweaks to the animations once he’s completed the project, so it’s not very time efficient for me to re-do all of the sprite sheets in the future.
Intro Video
Because I absolutely could not spend one more minute tweaking testing sprites, I moved away from that and started on the game’s intro video. Thanks to Scott Pellico, I have all the artwork that I need for the video, so it was really exciting to try to bring some of it to life. Here’s a look at what I have so far.
I still need to play around with pacing and some of the animations, but I’m happy with the first take. Polishing up that video and making it flexible for foreign languages will take another couple of weeks, so that’s what I’ll be working on for now.
[…] over the last few months and you can see a lot of them over at Dualbo’s Vimeo Site and in my status updates. I’ve received 12 of the 18 characters that will be in the game, so we’re two-thirds […]