Swift Distractions

This post is a status update, which is how I track progress specific to my game.
Check out my timeline to see what I've recently accomplished.
It has been awhile since my last update. 4 weeks to be exact. And to top it off, my game has fewer features than it did the last time you heard from me. There are two reasons for this: The introduction of Swift, and the perfect storm of distractions.
Two Weeks Vacation
I missed a two week cycle due to travel. Family, a wedding, and Ragnar were on the agenda. Swift was introduced the day I left, so I was at least able to read the book while I was gone. It was also at this point that I decided to rewrite my entire project, which I’ll get into later.

World Cup
It’s possible to watch the World Cup and program at the same time, right? Turns out the real answer is more like “Kinda.” I had a good setup going:

The problem is that you can’t get into the zone when there are 6 hours of soccer in a day. So while I made some progress with Swift, my productivity saw a big drop during the group stage of the cup.
Finally, during the last 8 days or so of the 4 weeks, I made some real progress. My port to Swift wasn’t without challenges, but now I’m about a week away from where I was with my Objective-C code. Moral has been low during the refactor, so it is nice to see the end in sight. Instead of writing about the code changes, have a look at the video if your interested in Sprite Kit / Swift code, or game dev in general.
Hey Ryan, Thanks for putting up this competition with your brother, I'm enjoying every new post from both of you and I have already learned several interesting topics watching you(: Not exactly topic related but I instantly fell in love with the Buster Sword piece of art <3
Definitely. Love that sword.